Texas Liberal

All People Matter

I Saw Someone Buy The New $50 Texas Lottery Scratch-Off & It Made Me Think Of Andrew Jackson And J.Q. Adams

I saw someone buy the $50 Texas lottery scratch-off ticket. Seeing this led to the following thoughts–

I’ve long been politically and personally conflicted between a mix of Andrew Jackson live-and-let-live small-d democracy and J.Q. Adams interventionist quasi-Federalism.

Many folks share this dilemma—maybe even you the reader— even if not put in quite the same terms.

Politically, while respecting, or at least resigned to at times, the views of the majority, I do think that the people get it wrong sometimes and that government has a role to play in many aspects of life.

Personally, I like being out among the people and yet I can’t believe some of the conduct I witness when I am out among the people.

I thought about all this yesterday when in line at a convenience store. The man in front of me bought one of the new $50 Texas lottery scratch-off tickets. I would not deny the man’s right to buy the ticket. However, I could not figure why he would want to blow $50 on a lottery ticket.

I’ve given up trying to resolve my Adams/Jackson internal split. All one can do is take each issue and event as it comes.

A great book that includes the Adams/Jackson era of American history is Sean Wilentz’s The Rise Of American Democracy—Jefferson to Lincoln.

May 10, 2007 Posted by | Best Posts Jan.-June 2007, Political History, Politics, Texas | 4 Comments