Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Hall Of Fame Jockey Angel Cordero Jr. Breaks With Texas Liberal

Texas Liberal once went to Saratoga race track during the August racing season. While at the track, the great jockey Angel Cordero Jr. walked just a few feet in front of me. I followed horse racing at the time and I never forgot seeing Cordero close up. I felt Cordero and I had a special lifelong bond.

So imagine how my heart sank when I saw a picture in today’s Cincinnati Enquirer of Cordero hugging OJ Simpson at the Kentucky Derby. How could he hug OJ? Angel is not the person I thought he was and I consider our “lifelong” bond broken.  

May 9, 2007 Posted by | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

I Like All Immigrants Because My Father Told Me To Trust People With Many Vowels In Their Last Name

When I was young my father told me to trust people who have many vowels in their last name. This advice, offered 30 years ago, is at the core of why I like all immigrants in Texas and everywhere else. I think immigrants make the best Americans.  

Though not all immigrants have many vowels in their last names, I got the idea behind what my father was telling me. People from other places were okay just like the Aquino’s who got off the boat from Italy in 1910 were okay.   

The more immigrants the better. It is American voters and American politicians who have cheated people from decent wages–Not some person just off the boat or who has come across the desert.    

May 9, 2007 Posted by | Good People, Immigration | 2 Comments