Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Hank Gilbert For Texas Commissioner Of Agriculture—Why You Should Support Hank Gilbert

I support Hank Gilbert in the Democratic primary for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture.

(Above—A Texas Longhorn. The leading agricultural exports of Texas are live animals and red meat. Here are facts about Texas Longhorns.)

Here is the web home for Mr. Gilbert’s campaign.

The primary is March 2.  Early voting begins February 16. Here are facts about early voting in Texas.

Why do I support Mr. Gilbert?

Here is why—

1. Mr. Gilbert has extensive education and experience in agriculture. Here are some facts about Mr. Gilbert

“Hank earned his bachelors degree in Agricultural Education from Texas A&M, where he was the Student Council representative for the Future Farmers of America (FFA) and was also a recruiter for the Agricultural Education Department. Upon graduation, Hank was hired to teach high school agriculture in East Texas where he worked for 13 years. Since leaving the teaching profession, Hank has continued to work with agricultural youth, both as a volunteer 4-H leader in his community and with the local FFA chapter. In 2005, Hank created the East Texas Jr. Invitational Livestock Expo in Smith County, Texas. To date, this show has awarded over $75,000 in scholarships to its participants to support their educational pursuits.2. Mr. Gilbert is committed to making the Texas Department of Agriculture a friend of the small Texas farmer. He will be aggressive in promoting Texas  agriculture to ever wider markets and he will advocate for organic and sustainable farming methods in our state.”

(Below–Watermelon is an important Texas crop. Here are facts about watermelon production in Texas from Texas A & M. A & M has an entire program about the growing and the study of watermelons.)

2. Mr. Gilbert will advocate for small Texas farmers. Mr. Gilbert will work hard to promote Texas agriculture to ever wider markets and he will support organic and sustainable farming methods in Texas.

Here is the link to Mr. Gilbert’s plan for Texas agriculture.

3. Mr. Gilbert is an energetic campaigner who will work to help elect Democrats throughout Texas.

Please consider voting for Mr. Gilbert in the 2010 Texas Democratic primary.

Here is a brief description of all the candidates running for Agriculture Commissioner from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Here is the Texas Farm Bureau.

Here are facts about Texas agriculture from the Texas Department of Agriculture.

( Aquaculture is a part of Texas Agriculture. Below you see the Channel Catfish. This fish is farmed in Texas. Here is the Texas Aquaculture Association. )

February 9, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , ,


  1. He supports watermelons and catfish? He’s got my vote.

    Comment by Bacopa | February 9, 2010

  2. I’m certain Mr. Gilbert is in favor of both.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | February 10, 2010

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