Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Texas Blogger John Cobarruvias Gets Notice For His First-Rate Hard Work

The lead story in the Houston Chronicle this morning was about the failure of many Texas legislators to properly disclose credit card expenses charged to their campaigns.

Mentioned at some length in the article was blogger John Cobarruvias of Houston. 

Mr. Cobarruvias runs Bay Area Houston.

Mr. Cobarruvias was mentioned because he has been all over this issue for many months now. He was ahead of the Chronicle and other Texas papers. He has done this work on his own time and out of a sincere desire for a better and more honest Texas legislature.     

The highest title any person can have is that of “citizen.” Mr. Cobarruvias is a first-rate citizen of Houston, of Texas, of the United States of America, and of the world.    

August 12, 2007 Posted by | Blogging, Houston, Politics, Texas | 4 Comments