Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Houston Democratic State Representative Hubert Vo Owns A Slum Property

Houston-area Democratic state representative Hubert Vo owns an apartment building that appears to suffer from slum conditions.

This property has been cited by the City of Houston for these slum conditions.

From the Houston Chronicle article about the slum citation

City building inspectors on Wednesday issued several safety citations against an East End apartment complex owned by state Rep. Hubert Vo.

The citations to the Courtyard Apartments on Villa de Matel allege eight structural and electrical problems, including rotting wood, missing balcony railings, loose boards and broken windows, city officials said.

“There were the kinds of things you’d see in a building that has not been well-maintained,” said Susan McMillian, a senior staff analyst in the city’s Public Works and Engineering Department. “It needed more intense maintenance than what had been done.”

Homeowners in the nearby County Club neighborhood have complained about the property for years, calling it a visual blight and a magnet for crime.

“It’s really a deplorable situation, and the sad thing is that people are actually living there,” said Charles Mayfield, a member of the area’s Super Neighborhood Council. “It’s really disheartening to see, and surprising, to say the least, that anybody — no matter who they are — would let the property get into such a condition.”

Vo, a Democrat running for re-election to his southwest Houston seat in the Texas House, has owned the four-building, $2.8 million property under one of his companies, Newlink Investments, Inc., since 2002.

Here is a Chronicle blog post by city reporter Matt Stiles that has pictures of the apartment building.   

A frequent theme of this blog is that city voters have the right to expect more from Democrats than just being pimped for votes at election time. 

How did this building get into such a state of poor repair to start? How about a push for more inspectors and better enforcement from our Democratic Mayor and Democrats on Houston City Council?

I don’t live in Mr. Vo’s district. If I did I would not vote for either Mr. Vo or his Republican opponent in November. 

This is all the worse coming from Mr. Vo because his winning the seat over the very obnoxious Republican incumbent Talmadge Heflin was such a great victory.   

This is not about private conduct by Mr. Vo. He has a public responsibility to the people who live in his building and to the public as a whole to keep this building in good condition. 

I’m not having any more of voting for Democrats at the municipal or urban level when they have a hand in the seemingly never-ending decline and neglect of America’s cities.  

I don’t know if we need a third-party, or a competitive Republican party in our cities, or a new Marcus Garvey to lead people out of a society that does not care if city folk live or die.

Maybe what we need is a better Democratic party.

I do know that we don’t need Hubert Vo.

April 4, 2008 - Posted by | Houston, Politics, Texas | , , , , ,


  1. I wonder what shape it was in when he bought it? Maybe he can use his political pull to have classes on how to take care of your rental property better for the people that actually live in and destroy these properties. when they were built they were not infested with bugs, run down, holes in walls, water damaged floors and ceiling, filth never cleaned apartments. Maybe the citizens that live in these so called slums made them into slums and maybe after years of sinking money into repairs they gave up. or maybe mr vo likes being a slumlord and does not care. My guess its somewhere in between,

    Comment by bill brady | April 6, 2008

  2. If just for his own purposes, he should have kept the place in good shape or never have bought it if he could not keep it up.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | April 7, 2008

  3. This guy is probably a scumbag but that does not change the fact that renters have a strange sense of entitlement that they can clog plumbing, knock holes in wall, draw on walls,appliances,spraypaint the outside of the building, its a vicious cycle and there are some that they have anywhere to live at all and there are some that clean and paint and help keep their space livable. its not a one way street.

    Comment by bill brady | April 8, 2008

  4. You state that “I don’t live in Mr. Vo’s district. If I did I would not vote for either Mr. Vo or his Republican opponent in November.”

    Do you even know who Vo’s Republican opponent is? (It is Greg Meyers, an elected member of the board of HISD.)

    Why do you reject Meyers out-of-hand? Because he is a Republican? Is it more acceptable to you to have slumlord Vo reelected (without your vote) than for you to vote for Republican Meyers?

    Comment by Amplifier Houston | April 9, 2008

  5. dont vote for the slumlord or the republican! jesus would puke if he was real and saw this world.

    Comment by bill brady | April 10, 2008

  6. I cannot improve on Bill’s comment.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | April 10, 2008

  7. You miss my point (or maybe prove it). Bottom line: from what you say, you would rather see the slumlord reelected than vote for his Republican opponent.

    Also, invoking the name of a deity you do not believe in does not advance your argument.

    Comment by Amplifier Houston | April 10, 2008

  8. The point is i would rather vote for a slumlord who kills kittens and shits on old people than a prolife republican who does not believe in evolution. that is the point.

    Comment by bill brady | April 11, 2008

  9. “The point is i would rather vote for a slumlord who kills kittens and shits on old people than a prolife republican who does not believe in evolution. that is the point”

    You’ve made my point far better than I ever could.

    Thank you for being honest about what liberals really think.

    Comment by Amplifier Houston | April 11, 2008

  10. Amplifier–How do you know someone is a liberal because they leave a comment on this blog?

    I would not vote for a Republican because of Republican policies on many issues. I would not vote for Mr. Vo because I feel Democrats take for granted city voters sometimes. This means I favor neither and would vote for neither. Other people will do as they wish and so it goes.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | April 11, 2008

  11. “Amplifier–How do you know someone is a liberal because they leave a comment on this blog?”

    I never made the assertion that anyone who leaves a comment on this blog must be a liberal.

    “I would not vote for a Republican because of Republican policies on many issues…”

    But I can deduce from your comments, plus the fact you and Bill would rather see a slumlord reelected than vote for a Republican, that you and Bill are both liberals. Please advise if I am not correct about that.

    Comment by Amplifier Houston | April 12, 2008

  12. Check out this video put out by Empower Texans about Hubert Vo and his slumlord status. The video is a parody Mr. Vo’s Neighborhood

    Comment by Alan | April 17, 2008

  13. I’ll keep this last comment up, but please know it comes from the opposite side of the aisle from this blog. Hard to imagine it is not in some way connected or trying to help Mr. Vo’s Republican rival.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | April 17, 2008

  14. neil amp is bating but that is ok. yes i am liberal and i believe in evolution and i would rather have a dem. slumlord in power than a republican. more than that i would like to see republicans and democrats work for the people not for the special interest. americans need to vote for people that want to work for people. both sides are facing an bleak future with the way this country is being run.

    Comment by bill brady | April 17, 2008

  15. Hubert Vo is no slum lord. I’ve known him for several years now and at first I thought he was like every other politcian. He is not, when things go wrong in those aprtment buildings it takes a while for that newss to get to him. He was givin a certain amount of time to fix up his building. The story came out before he could lift a finger it came out that day i think surely not enough time. Don’t pick on him he beat a republican who sat in his cushy office for twenty years then Hubert comes around and takes it. And defends it twice and he will continue to win as long as I have anything to say about it. Thank you.

    Comment by Mark Munoz | June 12, 2009

  16. You wanna come after Vo bring it on make as much slum lord videos as you want.

    Comment by Mark Munoz | June 12, 2009

  17. Mr. Munoz–You are a forceful advocate for Mr. Vo.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | June 12, 2009

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