Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Bloggers Should Help Keep Burma Protests Alive


The situation in Burma can’t be forgotten.

Bloggers, here in Texas, and everywhere else, should help keep this issue alive. Fellow bloggers in Burma have risked their lives to pass on information about events in that country.

All people should help keep this issue alive.  

Here is ko hitke’s prosaic collection

Here is Burmese Bloggers Without Borders.

Here is Burma Digest.

Here is The Irrawaddy News.

Here is BBC coverage of Burma.

October 8, 2007 Posted by | Blogging, Burma Protests, Politics | , , | Leave a comment

Ron Paul—Brutal In His Views For A Long Time

Houston area Congressman Ron Paul , the author of the book pictured above, has been in the news of late for various things.

Congressman Paul is running for President, he is a raising a lot of money from his brutal economic Darwinist libertarian supporters, he is a champion of pork barrel politics and ( to his credit) he wants out of Iraq.   

Congressman Paul has been practicing his brand of politics for a long time.

He first ran for the U.S. House in 1974. (Losing to Robert Casey.) Dr. Paul soon after won a special election to fill Casey’s vacant seat for that term. (Mr. Casey had taken a federal appointment.) Dr. Paul lost the seat in 1976, but was returned to the House in 1978.

In 1984, Rep. Paul lost the Republican Texas U.S. Senate primary to the terrible Phil Gramm. Rep. Paul won 16% in that election.

In 1988, Dr. Paul was the Libertarian nominee for President. He won .5% of the vote nationwide. In this he defeated Lenora Fulani by three-tenths of a percentage point.

Dr. Paul  was elected to the House for a third go-round in 1996 and is still serving.  

A government-hating, kick the little guy when he is down, pork-barreling, professional politician, Representative Paul  is the hero of that sliver of the population that supports the most savage of dog-eat-dog economics. Not surprisingly, as in any cult, these people are enthusiastic for their leader.

(Do you think health insurance for all will come without government involvement?)

Come Election Day 2008, Representative Paul will be an afterthought.   

October 8, 2007 Posted by | Houston, Politics, Texas | , , , | 34 Comments