Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Houston Janitors Set-Up Facebook Page As Contract Expires In 2010

Houston’s commercial office janitors must negotiate a new contract for 2010. As part of the effort to gain public support for what will be a tough fight in a difficult economy, the janitors have set up a Facebook page.

Here is the link to that page.

Above is a picture from the Facebook page showing part of previous successful efforts for janitors to gain a contract in Houston.

Here is what the janitors say—-

“In the fall of 2006, low-wage janitors stood up for good jobs during an historic four-week strike for a better future for Houston’s families. Prior to the strike, most of Houston’s 5,300 commercial office janitors in Houston were paid just $20.00 per day and had no health insurance or any other benefits….By taking to the streets, these workers won a union contract that doubled their pay, gave them access to affordable health care, and created a path to prosperity, not only for their families, but for thousands of service workers. This contract expires in the spring of 2010…Today, the janitors are seeking a new agreement that will help Houston’s economy recover, building it stronger and fairer. The fight that Houston’s janitors are taking on is a campaign to preserve good jobs and health care for workers everywhere.”

Before she was Mayor of Houston, Annise Parker was a supporter of this cause. There is no reason to think she won’t be on-board with the janitors this time as well.

All work has merit and people deserve good pay and benefits for the work they do. We must work so that we can make money and live. Work is the hours of our lives.

We need to support the janitors and support all people fighting for the respect that hard work deserves.

February 4, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , ,


  1. Will they be trucking in all those out-of-towners again to try to shut down Houston?


    Comment by publiustx | February 5, 2010

  2. Maybe that helps even the odds with all the money the building owners have. Are all the building owners local?

    Comment by Neil Aquino | February 5, 2010

  3. We couldn’t get our floor cleaned up and waxed for three months where I work becaue the floor crew was out scabbing during the strike a year and a half ago. Our legal dept filed a small claims siut which our contractor paid out of court and they haven’t scabbed since. I think the strikes are working. I’ll know if the strip and rewax crew doesn’t show up in March

    I buy most of my groceries at non-union dealers like Fiesta, Food Town, and Seller’s Bros. Kroger and Randall’s, the only union shops in town, lack the variety and low prices I crave. HEB has the variety and the semblance of low prices, but they have ways of getting you to overpay. I think HEB is not unionized anyway, though they to have a strong tradition of training and promoting people from within. That may be better than a union could do.

    Comment by Bacopa | February 6, 2010

  4. It is tough for workers all over. I think when one group of workers does well, it helps all working people.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | February 6, 2010

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