Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Texans, Rather Than Barack Obama, Will Choose The Weather For Texas—Tropical Storm Don

Texans will not be cowed by a socialized “National Hurricane Center.”

(Above– What the Federal Government wants us to believe.) 

We have been hearing about so-called Tropical Storm Don.

If there is a “tropical storm” off the Texas coast, why can’t hardworking God-fearing Texans see it with their own eyes right now?

And why is government watching over us from space?

Is this how we Remember the Alamo?

I encourage Texans who strongly believe in states rights to head to the beach and take to their boats so Washington understands that it is Texans–and not Barack Obama– who will make the decisions about our weather.

(Below– The Alamo. Photo by Daniel Schwen.)

July 29, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | 4 Comments