Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Coolidge And Obama With Native Americans

Above is Calvin Coolidge with the Sioux in 1927.

Below is Barack Obama with the Crow in 2008

Hopefully we’ve moved ahead in 81 years.

June 19, 2008 - Posted by | Campaign 2008, Political History, Politics | , , , , ,


  1. I am not sure who looks more silly in this picture.

    Comment by bill brady | June 19, 2008

  2. Obama looks more at ease at least. Coolidge is famous for hardly ever saying anything. Obama is at least up-to-date.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | June 20, 2008

  3. obama chillin with the indians but would not let arab women sit behind him on tv? he needs to surround himself with every type of person he can, he can not fear the republicans and their shit or he will turn into another spineless democrat. Obama needs to have no fear. to calculated is gross and un-needed.

    Comment by bill brady | June 21, 2008

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