Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Distractions To Make Up For Lost Post


I had a nice long post ready to go. But when I hit the “publish” button, all the words went away. I don’t know where they went. I don’t have time to get much together before bedtime.  I have to be at work early tomorrow. Yet I know you folks count on a post each day from Texas Liberal.  So I’ve assembled a few distractions for you to stare at until I update the blog in about 24 hours.

Above is a running mule. Sometimes you run and run and still don’t seem to make much progress.

Below is the spinning Earth. We are all sisters and brothers on the Earth.

Next we have a house being built. You don’t see that much anymore.

Here we have pink heart becoming gay pride symbol indicating my support for gay marriage.

Here we have a boat and a bridge. Regular readers of this blog will know I like the ocean and water and boats.

Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was a great President who strongly enhanced the role of government in our economy.

And, finally, a tree and a leaf. This is a symbol of both death and renewal.

Thanks for reading Texas Liberal.

January 16, 2009 - Posted by | Blogging, Uncategorized | , , , ,


  1. I support gay marriage too

    Comment by nursemyra | January 16, 2009

  2. While I don’t support gay marriage, I can respect their rights to demand fair treatment and equal rights.

    Comment by Saleema Gul | January 17, 2009

  3. I mean I *do* respect their rights to demand fair treatment and equal rights.

    Comment by Saleema Gul | January 17, 2009

  4. i support gay whatever they want to call it. civil union marrige whatever. i thinks its silly that the rights are not equal. and as for the house building we have plenty built the government needs to get involved in all the blight properties left empty all over the country and help people get moved into them. show them how to take care of them and give them free classes on simple repairs to maintain the properties, this would solve many issues with housing and taxes and properties that have been left for dead.

    Comment by bill brady | January 17, 2009

  5. Nursemyra–Right on.

    Saleema—You’re going to get there in time.

    Bill—A little investement in telling people how to own a home and maintain a property would be helpful. That is a solid thought.

    Thanks for all these comments.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | January 18, 2009

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