Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Ways Of Observing Memorial Day

With Memorial Day weekend almost here, please allow me to suggest some possible ways to observe the holiday—

1. Drive safely-— Make sure you have a designated driver if you will be out drinking. Be safe on the roads. As a general matter–Please slow down and be careful on all the highways of life.

Often it seems we take a day that is meant to honor service and sacrifice, and we turn it into a time for us to conduct ourselves like idiots.

2. Tip well all weekend and on the holiday—Please recall that Monday is a holiday and that you might well expect time-and-a-half for working a holiday. Please consider this fact if you are out and about for the weekend ahead and for Monday.

Respect for our fellow working people is a measure of our own self-respect. Almost all of us have to work for a living. Let us use the freedom we have to honor the value of our everyday lives.

3. Give some thought for the real purpose of Memorial Day—The purpose of the day is honor soldiers who have died in our wars. Take the time to fly the flag in front of your home, to attend a Memorial Day observance, to call or visit a veteran you may know, to donate to veterans related group or charity, to read a book that would increase your understanding of the sacrifices made by our service men and women, or to observe the holiday in any manner that you feel would be helpful and respectful.

And, of course, American freedom has been served by soldiers from other nations all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Our thoughts need not be limited to our own nation. People all over the world care about freedom and have fought for freedom.

Many people have over the years also have taken great risks and made personal sacrifices for the cause of peace. This should not be forgotten. There are many different types of courage.

Here is a link to my post about Memorial Day events in Houston/Galveston area.

Here is my post on the history of Memorial Day.  

May 26, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment