Texas Liberal

All People Matter

You Can See Michelle Obama In Houston If You Have Thousands Of Dollars To Attend The Fundraiser At The Mansion Of The Former Enron Trader

Michelle Obama is coming to Houston on November 1.

(Above–Michelle Obama.)

You can see the First Lady in Houston if you have thousands of dollars to attend a fundraiser being held by a former Enron trader.

(Update 10/31/11—This event has now been canceled. The claim is that the First Lady had a scheduling conflict.)  

Here are some details from the Houston Chronicle

“The First Lady will be in town Nov. 1 for a glitzy Democratic fundraiser at the River Oaks mansion of Laura and John Arnold. The super-wealthy hedge fund manager and his wife will introduce Obama to individuals who paid $10,000 for the privilege or couples who paid $15,000. There’s a bargain-basement price, as well — $250 per person to attend the cocktail party earlier in the evening.”

Here is how the event has being reported by Politico

“An upcoming Houston fundraiser featuring first lady Michelle Obama at the home of a former Enron executive who is part of a movement to convert public pensions to 401(k)-style plans is angering some local Democrats. John Arnold, a Houston billionaire and former Enron trader, is hosting the Michelle Obama event with his wife, Laura Arnold, at their Houston home on Nov. 1.  Arnold is part of an organization pushing to convert public pensions — including teachers, police, firefighters and others — to 401(k)-style plans.”

Here is how my fellow Houston blogger Perry Dorrell at Brains & Eggs views this event—-

Let’s count the six degrees of separation: Michelle Obama, John and Laura Arnold, Enron (Ken Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, Andy Fastow, et.al.), George W. Bush.

Whoops. That’s only four.

Anybody still confused about what OWS  (Occupy Wall Street) is all about?

Meyerland Area Democrats President Art Pronin was quoted in the Politico article. Mr. Pronin is uncertain why the First Lady would take part in such an event as it seems to run contrary to the interests of so many everyday working people.

Here is a blog post on this issue by Mr. Pronin.

Here is the Occupy Wall Street website.

Here is the Occupy Houston website.

October 28, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Michelle Obama & Ted Kluszewski—Both Sleeveless

Ted Kluszewski

February 28, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 5 Comments

If Michelle Obama Is So Smart, Why Is She Not As Hot As Was Dolley Madison?

A portrait of First Lady Dolley Madison, wife of President James Madison

I keep hearing about what Michelle Obama is wearing. 

If we are going to grade Mrs. Obama on her appearance, she will lose out to Dolley Madison. (Above)

So let’s judge Mrs. Obama on her talents and skills and have less focus on how she looks. That is the right thing to do fo this hard working  and successful person.

For all we know, Mrs. Obama is the smarter half of the First Couple.

(Dolley Madison was also smart.)

However, since we are on the subject. I will say that Mrs. Obama’s Inauguration outfit was almost as fluorescent—

—as are these fish below. 

January 23, 2009 Posted by | Barack Obama, History, Politics | , , , , , | 3 Comments

Michelle Obama—She Can Define Herself As She Wishes And All Will Go Well

Michelle Obama is going to be a great First Lady.

How do I know this?

Because I’m going to accept her as the person she is and needs to be to survive and suceed in the role of First Lady. I’m going to let her define herself instead of being defined by Fox News as you see above.

These are things going to be said about any prominent black woman no matter how successful she is in life.

The message is that no black family is “legitimate”— Even one soon to be living in the White House.

The good news is that the voting public is paying attention and they will reject this stuff next November.

First Lady is a hard job and it merits great respect.

Some said Nancy Reagan was too adoring of her husband. But Mrs. Reagan had the right to be the person she was. Or, like anybody in public view, Mrs. Reagan had plenty of reason to put forth the image she wished to project. 

Lady Bird Johnson ran LBJ’s business affairs. Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most famous people in the world for her humanitarian efforts.

Whatever a First Lady—or First Spouse as the case will someday be— wishes to be, that’s fine with me.

All people need to be is who they are. Or who they need to be to survive the attention of being in the shadow of a President and living in the shadow of the physical danger a President always faces.    

Also, I know Mrs. Obama and Mr. Obama are going to rise up the level of people’s hopes and expectations. I’m not sure that the maturity and gravity are there yet. But I have faith it will come.

Michelle Obama is charting a path no one before has charted. I’m fully on board with her as both she and the nation move forward.


June 12, 2008 Posted by | Campaign 2008, History, Political History, Politics | , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments