Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Wife Has Nightmare About Husband’s Clothes Shopping

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Two days ago I went to the department store to buy some clothes for myself.

( Above–Petersdorff Department Store in Warsaw, Poland Here is a link to a good photo of this building in the late 1920’s.  Here is history and pictures of department stores in Portland, Oregon and elsewhere in the nation.)

My wife let me go on this shopping trip alone, but she was very concerned.

Before I went to the store, the wife told me that overnight she had a nightmare about my shopping trip.

She said she dreamed that I bought myself ugly clothes and that I had come home with a pair of ugly shoes for her. She also said that in the dream I purchased for her three ugly purses.

I’m not sure I could have messed up my shopping expedition. I buy and wear the same clothes year after after year. Even a fathead like me can get something right when doing it the 20th time. 

Not only that–I’ve been reading a book about the history of fashion. I know about fashion.

I’ve almost finished reading Costume And Fashion—A Concise History by James Laver. Mr. Laver had an active mind. Please click here to learn about his life.

Costume And Fashion covers fashion from ancient days up until the 1990’s. Here  is what it says about punk rock fashion in the 1970’s—

“The anarchic punk style. which appeared on the streets of London in the 1970’s…was to have an enormous impact on both streetwearand high fashion. It was a style that consciously sought to shock, combining–for both sexes—black tight trousers and striped mohair sweaters with customized leather jackets and heavy-duty Doctor Marten boots….Fetishistic leather and rubber were an integral part of the punk look….Clothes were slashed and ripped, embellished with safety pins, zips and studs. T-shirts were printed with aggressive anarchistic slogans….”  

Below you see some punks. They are burning a U.S. Flag for extra measure.

With these ideas in my head, how can the wife figure I’ll come home from the store with something crazy?

( Please click here for my greatest punk rock moments. I did not dress like the people below or burn flags. My attitude was sufficiently hostile that I felt no need for affectation or gestures of excess.)   

File:Punks burning a flag.jpg

May 21, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Michelle Obama & Ted Kluszewski—Both Sleeveless

Ted Kluszewski

February 28, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 5 Comments