Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Low Hispanic Vote Helps Unelect Harris County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia

With customary poor turnout, potential Democratic voters in Harris County unelected Precinct 2 Harris County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia.

Ms. Garcia lost to a political unknown named Jack Morman who was outspent 40-1 and who barely waged a campaign.

Ms. Garcia got “unelected” more than Mr. Morman got elected. Mr. Morman was propelled by straight ticket voting.

Nobody knows anything about Mr. Morman.

Here is a portion of an e-mail Ms. Garcia sent out last Saturday-

” This past weekend,  I met with our consultants to review  Early Vote returns and our numbers are not where they should be. Right now, our Latino numbers are down from my previous cycles and I need them to win.”

Ms. Garcia was a competent leader who worked for her community.

People have an obligation to vote. At what point do we say that people have an obligation to get to the polls? Voting is an act of personal responsibility.

I’ve said many times here that local Democrats often take minority voters for granted.

Yet life is a two-way street. People need to vote.

Ms. Garcia was the first Hispanic elected to the Harris County Commissioners Court.

Here is the campaign web page of the gentleman who beat Ms. Garcia. It says nothing at all about his plans.

This guy did not have the simple respect to post on his web site any ideas at all for what he will do in an office that serves something like 750,00 people.

What about the improved health care clinics and mental health efforts that Ms. Garcia had been working for in the county?

I don’t think Mr. Morman has formulated a view on these questions as of yet.

November 4, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , ,

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