Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Texas Progressive Alliance Round-Up—Citizen Bloggers Workiing Hard


Below is the most recent Texas Progressive Alliance round-up. The TPA is a confederation of the best political bloggers in Texas. TPA members are citizen-bloggers working for a better Texas.

As I say each time I post the round-up—Every Texan and every American has the ability to attend a public meeting, attend or organize a protest, write or call an elected official, talk to friends and family, start a blog, donate money, write a letter to the editor, volunteer for candidates and causes, engage in acts of civil disobedience, and to run for public office.

We can also seek to impact society by consistently acting in a way that reflects our best values. Or by working on an artistic or creative effort that expands the range of thought and imagination we have in our society.

I repeat these thoughts so often on the blog because there is nothing more important I can say.

The work of freedom and justice is up to each of us.

Here is the round-up—-

Off the Kuff has interviews with SD06 special election candidates Sylvia Garcia and Carol Alvarado.

BossKitty at TruthHugger is just appalled that the whole story isn’t addressed: Of Course It’s Not Just Guns. Cut taxes, create a structural deficit, cut education and the safety net which results in a surplus. Rinse and repeat.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson wants to make sure everyone hasn’t forgotten the past. Do you remember how we got here?

As early voting began, Brains and Eggs had the most comprehensive coverage of the special election to replace the late Mario Gallegos in the Texas Senate. A post on the protest at TransCanada, two posts on Sylvia Garcia’s aggressive campaign against Carol Alvarado, a post on the candidate who boycotted one of the debates, and a post critical of the exceptionally lame media coverage of the election highlighted a busy week.

Over at Texas Kaos, lightseeker gives you the skivvy on the educational funding issue, including the latest lamebrain schemes from our Republican leaders. Check it out: Texas Education – The Same Old Fools In Charge Part 2.

Neil at Texas Liberal posted that a grave with a view of traffic would be a fitting end to an urban Houston life.  

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know that Rick Perry has doubled down oncorporate greed and Tea Party crazy.

January 20, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized |

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