Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Neil Armstrong’s Death Is Noted Around The World

Astronaut Neil Armstrong died this afternoon.

Above is the front page of the Utica (NY) Observer-Dispatch from the day after the first moon landing in 1969.

Here is the Associated Press obituary of Mr. Armstrong from the Observer-Dispatch.

Here are facts about the moon from National Geographic.

Here is the Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio. 

Wapakoneta was Mr. Armstrong’s hometown. I visited this museum nearly 30 years ago and I recall that it was pretty good.

This death is news around the world.

Here is the report from the BBC.

Here is the report from Al Jazeera. 

Here is the news of  Mr. Armstrong’s death in French from Le Monde.

Here–in English–is Mr. Armstrong’s death as reported by the Chinese news agency Xinhua. 

Here is the report from the New York Times.

Here is an obituary and other links about Mr. Armstrong from NASA.

There are few figures known all around the world.

Mr. Armstrong’s death is a loss for the United States.

More significantly, his death is a global loss for a world that shared the moment of the first moon landing 43 years ago.

August 26, 2012 - Posted by | Uncategorized | ,

1 Comment »

  1. Sure was surprised to see the O-D on the blog. Very impressed that you were on top of the news, especially of historic events, and saving journalistic records of same at such an early age.

    Comment by Newton | August 27, 2012

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