Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Mexican Helicopters Flying Over Texas—Would Obama Respond To Mexican Invasion With Use Of Force?

Mexican helicopters have been spotted over U.S. air space here in Texas. This is the second time this has happened in recent weeks.

From the Associated Press

“The defense department says it is investigating reports of a Mexican military helicopter seen flying in Texas. Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez says several people reported seeing the aircraft on Sunday flying over an RV park near Zapata, some 100 miles northwest of McAllen on the border with Mexico. Border Patrol spokesman Jason Darling says the Mexican military is conducting operations near Zapata along the Rio Grande….”

Maybe an invasion of Texas is being planned.

If President Obama were to allow Texas to be conquered by Mexico, this would mean many fewer electoral votes for  the Republican presidential candidate in 2012. It would also mean two fewer Republican Senators and a net loss for Republicans in the U.S. House.

After reelection in 2012, President Obama could reassess if fighting to take back Texas from Mexico would serve our national interests.

Pancho Villa, who you see above, invaded U.S. territory in 1916.

Here are some facts about Pancho Villa.

Here is the link to Pancho Villa State Park in Columbus, New Mexico. Columbus was the town attack by Villa.

Here is an interesting paper on the pursuit of Pancho Villa by U.S. forces led by General Black Jack Pershing.

Conflict with Mexico may not just be a thing of the past.

A strategic analyst named George Friedman has written a book called The Next 100 Years: A Forecast For The 21st-Century.

I have read this book. Whether it makes any sense or not I could tell you, but it is interesting to read and to think about what the future might hold.

Here is a description of what the book says about trouble with Mexico at the end of our current century—

“Interestingly, Friedman argues that towards the end of the century this trend of increasing demand for labor (coupled with decreasing population) will reverse, due in large part to the extensive use of robotics.  America will begin trying to force Mexican’s living in the U.S. to move back to Mexico.  By this time however, Friedman believes that the Southwestern U.S. will have become more like Mexico than the U.S. and will likely spark a conflict for which the best solution for the U.S. will be to allow Mexico to have the territory.”

Maybe this prospect makes a case for preemptive war with Mexico.

April 3, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment