Texas Liberal

All People Matter

2012 Harris County And Houston-Area Democratic Primary Results—A Lifeless Party In A Corrupt System

The Tea Party and others on the right did not force local Democrats to oust Judge Steven Kirkland based on smear tactics, nominate a hopeless perennial candidate for Harris County DA, nominate yet again a person who wants to impeach Obama for a U.S. House seat in Fort Bend, almost nominate anti-gay campaigner Dave Wilson for a county commission seat, and give mean-spirited Keryl Douglas more than 40% of the vote for party chair.

And these were the actions of the 5% or 6% who bothered to vote. Is this the core of the Democratic Party in the Houston-area?

These results in our huge Houston-area validate the Green and Occupy view that the two-party system is corrupt and dying.

I’m not sure what the answer is—though I do think there is a solution out there—but this stuff is not viable if we hope to make progress in Houston, in Harris County, in Texas and in the nation.

The work of freedom is up to each of us.  Without forgetting the role of circumstance and context which is key to progressive thought, we have to take control of our own futures and of our political system.

The turnout and the results yesterday were shameful. Our local Democratic Party is a lifeless outfit in the corrupt two-party system.

May 30, 2012 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , ,


  1. I find it absolutely shocking that Oliver could have prevailed over Fertitta and Palmer over Kirkland…. shocking and sad. My first instinct was to blame cross-over Republicans trying to screw things up. Then the hack-able voting machines. The system as it is, is easily messed-with. But in the precinct out in the far northwest hinterlands where I presided over seven precincts (four new ones) with a total Democrat turnout of 75 voters, I have to admit all of our voters were genuine Democrats. But where were the rest of us? I know of a Lot More! I think folks just don’t know the system, or the candidates. There is so much news everywhere, and so much of it so irrelevant, that when it comes to discovering the basics, it can be a real challenge. And that, as far as I’m concerned, is the big challenge for the Democratic Party in Texas, and maybe everywhere. We need to connect with all possible constituents, keep our message out there, and make sure everyone knows the basics and the candidates. Having not done that, here we are again: stuck with people who are just as bad as their opponents (perhaps) this November, instead of great candidates like Kirkland and Fertitta.

    Comment by Jan | May 30, 2012

  2. It was a dismal showing across the board. But Mary Edna Gonzalez got elected in El Paso and I’ll predict she will quickly become one of the better state reps. A true progressive with real populist roots.
    Democrats are never going to win again until they emphaszie honesty and ethics WITHIN the Democratic Party with no exceptions regardless of race of how many crooked relatives you have holding local office. The convictions in Dallas two years ago and other recent indictments in Cameron County should be condemned by all Democrats. NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Comment by Steve Speir | May 30, 2012

  3. Jan & Steve–Thanks for these helpful comments. There is a lot of work do. Jan–It is sad to ponder as you do that it ewas Democrats who did this and not some outside force. Steve–I could not agree more that Democratic Party ethics are a real issue. How can we claim to better when at times we seem in fact to be no better?

    Comment by Neil Aquino | June 2, 2012

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