Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Statewide Save Texas Schools Rally In Austin On March 12—Texas Progressive Alliance Blogger Round-Up

Blogger’s Note–3/1/11–Updated post with new facts about the rally.

Here is the most recent edition of the Texas Progressive Alliance round-up.  The TPA is a confederation of the best political citizen-bloggers in Texas.

With the round-up this week, are the dates of two upcoming protests against the drastic budget cutting and vindictive culture war legislation being enacted  now in our Texas legislature.

On Saturday,March 12, a Save Texas Schools rally and march will be held at the State Capitol in Austin. This event will begin at noon. There is hope that this will be a good-sized protest with people coming to Austin from all over the state.

On Tuesday, March 15, there will be a Texans Day of Outrage protest at Houston City Hall. This event will take place at 4:30 PM.

Be certain to pass on word of these rallies to your friends and neighbors.

There has already been a rally at the Capitol against harsh immigration measures that some in the legislature are proposing.

Texas librarians have also rallied at the Capitol against sharp cuts in state assistance to libraries.

I’m certain this is a very incomplete list. If you are aware of an upcoming event anywhere in Texas, please leave a comment.

It is likely the pace of protests will pick up as the legislature begins to seriously consider bills and to take important votes.

It is up to each of us to do the hard work of freedom. Do you want to be out-worked and out-organized by the Tea Party/Republican Party yet again?

Let’s get to work now. Not just for the issues being discussed in the legislature at the moment, but also for the fights ahead and for 2012.

We can flood the Capitol just like we are seeing in Wisconsin. We can fight back and make progress.

Here is the round-up—

Off the Kuff examines the Perry/Combs slap fight over Amazon’s decision to leave Texas rather than pay taxes.

Letters From Texas reports on a note that a pregnant woman sent to Texas state Senator Leticia Van de Putte, as the Senate prepared to pass the sonogram bill, and as the woman prepared to leave for the hospital to deliver her baby. Surprise #1: the woman is against the bill. Surprise #2: so is her father. Surprise #3: her father is another Texas state Senator.

This week the Legislative Study Group released an updated version of the “Texas on the Brink”, Eye On Williamson had this to say: for Texas to get off the brink, we must fight for the impossible.

A gaggle of Houston bloggateers met with Metro’s CEO and board membersand discussed the many changes the transit authority has completed in the past year. PDiddie from Brains and Eggs was there and filed a report. Continue reading

February 27, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , | Leave a comment